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Is Homeopathy Slow to Act?
Not necessarily. Homeopathy offers quick relief for acute conditions like fevers, colds, vomiting, and diarrhea. Chronic conditions such as arthritis, migraines, and skin disorders may require longer treatment due to their prolonged nature.

Is Homeopathy Only for Chronic Complaints?
No, homeopathy treats both chronic and acute conditions. It effectively addresses ailments like coughs, headaches, colic, and toothaches while also helping prevent recurrences.

What Happens During the First Consultation?
The first consultation lasts 60-90 minutes for chronic cases and is shorter for acute issues. Sometimes prescriptions are delayed to gather more information.

Is Homeopathy a Placebo or Faith Healing?
No. Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines beyond placebo effects, with research by reputable institutions. Since homeopathy works well for infants, children, and even animals, it clearly isn’t dependent on belief.

How Do Homeopathic Medicines Work?
Homeopathy considers the “totality of symptoms,” requiring detailed case-taking to understand each patient’s unique condition and select the appropriate remedy.

Are All Homeopathic Medicines Round, White Pills?
No. While sugar globules are a common carrier, homeopathic medicines also come in liquid, tablet, or powder forms.

Are There Dietary Restrictions?
Generally, there are no strict restrictions. However, certain medicines may require you to avoid specific foods to maintain effectiveness.

Do Homeopathic Medicines Have Side Effects?
When prescribed correctly, homeopathic medicines typically have no side effects. Incorrect dosages or arbitrary prescriptions may cause unwanted effects.

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