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Navigating Puberty : Homeopathy, Diet, and Exercise for Girls

Puberty is like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs.  It’s tough for girls because their bodies change a lot.  From mood swings to menstrual cramps, puberty brings a host of issues that can leave girls feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.  But don’t worry! Homeopathy, healthy food, and exercise can make it easier for girls …

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A Wholesome Approach to Nurturing Women’s Health

In today’s fast-paced world, women often find themselves juggling numerous responsibilities, from career demands to family obligations. Amidst this whirlwind, prioritizing health can sometimes take a backseat. I am Dr. Arpana Sali, a Homeopath and Nutritionist, and I am excited to launch a blog series called “Women’s Wellness: A Holistic Perspective.” Through my blogs, I’ll …

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Balancing Uric Acid Naturally and Effectively – With Homeopathy and Diet

Alarm bells – High uric acid levels High levels of uric acid can be worrying because they are often associated with conditions like gout and kidney problems. Uric acid is a natural substance produced when the body breaks down certain foods. Normally, the kidneys eliminate it, but if there’s an issue with production or removal, …

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Homeopathy for Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, a small butterfly- shaped gland located in the front of the neck. These disorders lead to an imbalance in the production of thyroid hormones, essential for regulating key bodily functions: Metabolism: Regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, thereby, maintaining energy balance Body temperature: Maintains body …

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Homoeopathic Strategies and Maps for Acute Conditions

The book “Homoeopathic Strategies and Maps for Acute Conditions” authored by Gaurang Gaikwad talks about 9 common acute conditions frequently encountered in our clinics. The book includes a detailed list of nearly 25 remedies, with clinical indications from both classical and contemporary homoeopaths, for each condition. What I appreciate about the book is that after going …

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Acidity, also known as acid reflux or gastroesopageal reflux disease (GERD), is a condition in which the stomach acid flows back up (into the esophagus), leading to burning in the chest or throat. Some common causes of acidity include: 1) Unhealthy or irregular dietary habits: High oily or spicy or acidic foods can trigger acidity. Also, …

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Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard, mineral deposits that form in the kidneys and can cause severe pain and discomfort as they pass through the urinary tract. They are made up of various substances, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. Symptoms of kidney stones include severe back pain or pain in the sides, pain while urinating, …

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Viral Infections

Viral infections are illnesses caused by viruses that can affect various parts of the body, including the respiratory tract, digestive system, skin, and nervous system. Viruses are microscopic particles much smaller than bacteria that can cause a host of symptoms depending on the body area affected.  Viral infections spread through various modes, such as direct contact with …

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